One-Act Comedy | Solo Show
Synopsis: An artist posing as an environmentalist sruggles to survive two months on an Eco-Barge in order to compete for a Guggenheim grant and come to terms with her father's legacy.
The Strawberry Festival 2013
Hudson Guild Theatre, 441 W. 26th Street, NY, NY
Directed by Mark Cirnigliaro
Featuring Nandita Chandra
Directed by Mark Cirnigliaro
Featuring Nandita Chandra
Photography by Reed Young
Costume Design: Peter Fogel
Lighting Design: Jeff Carr
Sound Design: Jack Cummins
Set Design: Mark Cirnigliaro
SM: Tyler Winthrop / Joanne Pan
Costume Design: Peter Fogel
Lighting Design: Jeff Carr
Sound Design: Jack Cummins
Set Design: Mark Cirnigliaro
SM: Tyler Winthrop / Joanne Pan